MICRO-CREDENTIAL IN Keep it simple: Cranial Nerves Abnormalities

About this Module

What you will learn

This course is an introduction and overview of cranial nerve abnormalities - their features, underlying fundamental knowledge and the application in everyday life.

What skills you will gain

Not applicable

Total contents and assessments

Not applicable

Module Details

CLUSTER : Science & Technology ( ST )
LENGTH : None days
EFFORT : 2 hrs per week
LEVEL : Beginner
LANGUAGE : English
PRICE : Free

Associated Course (s) :
No Course


a. Anatomy - course and distribution of the olfactory nerve, limbic system relationship
b. Physiology - the sense of smell
c. Pathology - losing the sense of smell
d. Clinical examination: testing the sense of smell

a. Anatomy - visual pathway
b. Physiology - vision (i) acuity (ii) fields (iii) pupillary reflex
c. Pathology - visual abormalities based on function
d. Clinical examination: (i) visual acuity (ii) visual fields (iii) pupillary reflex

a. Anatomy - motor innervation of extraocular muscles
b. Physiology - eye movements - (i)gaze (ii) accommodation (iii) individual
c. Pathology - diplopia
d. Clinical examination: (i) eye movements

a. Anatomy - Pathway for (i) sensory (ii) motor distribution
b. Physiology - Sensation and motor
c. Pathology - sensory loss of face and oral cavity, weakness of muscle of mastication
d. Clinical examination: (i) sensory to face (ii) weakness of muscle of mastication

a. Anatomy - Pathway and distributions - motor
b. Physiology - Motor to facial muscles
c. Pathology - facial weakness (UMN vs LMN)
d. Clinical examination: movements of muscle of facial expression

a. Anatomy - pathway and distribution
b. Physiology - (i) auditory (ii) balance
c. Pathology - (i) hearing problems (ii) balance problem
d. Clinical examination: (i) hearing test - Rinne and Weber's test (ii) vestibular testing (iii)

a. Anatomy - pathway and distribution,
b. Physiology - (i) touch sensation (ii) taste posterior 1/3 tongue (CN IX) (iii) taste to epiglottis and root of tongue (CN X) (iv) motor to muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and larynx (CN X)
c. Pathology - gag reflex problem, loss of taste posterior 1/3 of tongue
d. Clinical examination: gag reflex

a. Anatomy - pathway and distribution
b. Physiology - motor supply to the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
c. Pathology - weakness of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
d. Clinical examination: assessment of power of (1) trapezius and (2) sternocleidomastoid muscles

a. Anatomy - pathway and distribution
b. Physiology - motor supply to the muscles of the tongue (extrinsic except palatoglossus) and intrinsic)
c. Pathology - weakness of tongue muscles
d. Clinical examination: tongue muscles movements and muscle bulk

a. Concept of localisation in neuroscience
b. Steps in making a diagnosis.
c. Unravelling the symptoms, deciphering the signs

Our Instructor

Information: No instructor assigned in this course.