1. Do I have to be a UiTM student to take this course?
No, UiTM has an open-admissions policy for all online Microcredential (MC) courses. This means the course is offered throughout the year, including our online courses. This means the MC classes are open to any Malaysians or students from abroad.
2. How old do I have to be to take an online class?
You must be at least a high school graduate.
3. How many classes can I take?
There are a total of 2 classes
4. How do I enrol and register?
You can enrol as a student by visiting the registration page.
5. I have registered for an online course. What happens next?
If this is the first time you enrolled in a class at UiTM, you will be assigned a student’s ID. You will need the ID to participate in your class, gain easier access to the learning materials, obtain your feedback on the assessments, complete the online evaluation, etc.
You are advised to contact the instructor(s) before the course begins. Your instructor(s) may share some information before the class. Your instructor may want to confirm that you have a good connection to the online learning platform.
6. What if I change my mind and want to withdraw from the class?
You may drop a class by completing the withdrawal form.
7. What are the technical requirements for an online course?
You need an internet connection to get access to the web-based learning system known as the “UFUTURE”.
You may need various access as well, as your instructor or you may communicate with each other via email, discussion board, online meeting (google meet/webex/zoom) and telephone.
8. What do I do if I need technical assistance?
If you are having technical problems, you can contact the IT Help Desk to get additional support.
9. How do I get access to the class materials?
Once you receive your ID, your instructor will teach you how to access the course materials and other information in the UFUTURE.
10. How much does the online class cost?
Please visit the registration site for more information about the cost.
11. When do I have to pay?
If there is any payment, please visit the academic calendar for the deadlines.
12. What are acceptable payment methods?
Acceptable payment methods are described on the registration page.
13. Is financial aid available?
At the moment, UiTM does not provide any financial aid for this course.
14. Will I get my money back if I withdraw from the class?
At the moment we don’t have refund policy if you withdraw from the class.
15. May I take a class as noncredit and pay a reduced tuition?
We don’t have such a policy yet.
16. Will the credits I earn count toward my degree requirements?
No, the MC course may not add up to the credits required for degree qualification.
17. What kind of credit do I get?
At the successful completion of the class, you will receive UiTM credits.
18. How will I be graded?
The criteria for grading will be established by the faculty and outlined on the class syllabus. Online learning is very similar to an on-campus class experience; in this case the classroom is virtual.
19. How do I get my grade?
Approximately 30 days after the end of your class you may log into your UiTM student center to view your grades.
20. Will I have a UiTM transcript?
Yes. Approximately 30 days after the end of the class you may log into the UiTM student center or the Registrar website to order your transcript.
21. What kind of student does well with online learning?
Students who excel in online courses are generally organized, motivated, independent, and have good time-management skills.
22. What methods will be used to teach my online course?
Methods vary by course and instructor but may include pre-recorded or synchronous lectures, videos, podcasts, PowerPoint slides, interactive chat rooms, blog posts, and more. Please refer to the syllabus for your course for details about how your class will be taught.
23. Is there a class outline (syllabus)?
Once you receive your ID, the faculty member teaching the course will contact you with instructions for accessing the course materials, syllabus, and other class information. In many cases you can find the syllabus on UFUTURE. If not, please contact the department offering the course.
24. What do I do if I have questions about an assignment?
Online learning takes place in a virtual classroom, but the skills used to succeed in it are very similar to those needed for an on-campus class. Questions about assignments or any part of the class should be directed to the faculty or teaching assistant by email or phone, or through the instructional software, UFUTURE.
25. How much time will I spend in my virtual classroom?
You should plan to spend at least 15 hours in your virtual classroom. Remember, this is an entire college semester offered in just a few weeks.
26. How much time will be involved in homework?
For each hour spent in your virtual classroom, you should plan on 30 to 60 minutes of homework.
27. How do I get homework assignments, tests, etc.?
Homework, tests, paper assignments, and more will be clearly communicated on the class website as well as directly by the instructor.
28. Will classes meet at a specific time?
Many online courses are delivered asynchronously via UFUTURE. You view class lectures on your own schedule and complete assignments within a scheduled time frame. You may be required to meet at set times with the faculty member.
In a few select cases, courses are taught synchronously, which requires you to attend lectures at a set time or in a hybrid mode (a mix of asynchronous and synchronous).
Every class on the roster is listed with an "instruction mode," which indicates how it will be taught and whether or not you must attend set meetings.
29. May I begin my online class early?
It is often possible to begin readings and preparation prior to the first day of class. Please work with your instructor to see if this is an option for your class.
30. What if I can’t start the class on the date it’s scheduled to begin?
One of the great things about taking an online course at UiTM is that once the course has started, you can sign in to access the content at any time. However, if you need to delay the date you start the course, it is best to contact the faculty member directly to see if it is possible to catch up on a couple of days' work.
If you need further help pt information about the course, you may email
[email protected] or call the instructor at +60176573248.