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Course Info

About this Course

The course provide an understanding on the management of public finance including revenue collection and government spending. Furthermore the course also cover main components of public finance including taxation, budgeting, accounting, supply and auditing as a tools used by government to manage public fund. Other areas covered are public debts, mixed economy, market failure and public goods and their effect to management of public monies. The course will also emphasis on the issues of control of funds and accountability, transparency, integrity and ethics in public finance .

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Public Finance
1. Definition of public finance
2. The components of public finance
3. The role of public finance in social and economic development

The Economic Basis of Government Activity
1. Mixed economy
2. Market failure
3. Public goods
4. Externalities

Efficiency in government activity
1. Overview on government activity
2. Classification of public expenditure
3. Canon or principles of public expenditure

Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relations
Sources of revenue from four governmental level
1. Federal government revenue
2. Federal territory revenue
3. State government revenue
4. Local government revenue

Government Budget
1.Types of budget and its characteristics
2. Budgetary process
3. Factors influencing budgetary process

Taxation Principles and Issues
1. Definition of tax and types of tax
2. Cannon of taxation
3. Various issue in taxation

Economic of Public Debt
1. Definition of public debts and sources of public debt
2. Objectives of public debt
3. Positive and negative implication of public debt and its impact to economy

Public Accounting
1. Definition and functions of public accounting
2. Role of Accountant General
3. Vote book, government warrant and principles of accounting

Public Procurement
1. Definition of procurement and types of procurement
2. Policies of public procurement
3. Issues of public procurement

Management and Control of Public Fund
1. Forms of consolidated account
2. Public auditing
3. Public account committee

Issues of Accountability, Transparency and Integrity in Public Finnace
1. Definition of public accountability and types of public accountability
2. Importance of public accountability
3. Issues of accountability, transparency, integrity and ethics in public finance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : What are the components of public finance
A1 : The components of public finance are taxation, budgeting, accounting, supply, auditing and treasury