• We are available for any custom works this month
  • Main office: Springville center X264, Park Ave S.01
  • Call us (123) 456-7890 - (123) 555-7891

Course Info

About this Course

An overview of the disciplines within computer science such as networks, AI, robotics, graphics, and computer architecture will be integrated throughout the course. Starting from the first principles of computer organization, students will receive a foundation in programming focusing on Python language. Fundamental programming concepts along with current issues such as parallelism and embedded systems will be covered through relevant programming projects. The course will culminate in a comprehensive programming assignment and/or a team-based robotics project that integrates the concepts taught in the course. A lecture/lab course format will be employed to provide hands-on experience and active learning techniques.

Course Syllabus

Introduction to programming
- Introduction to computer
- Computer software and hardware
- Program, programming, and programmer
- How does a computer stores data

Basic control structure

Introduction to microcontroller

Arduino programming

Control sensor


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : Where can I buy microcontroller, sensor and other electronics store?
A1 : the items can be purchased either at a physical electronics store or through an online platform i.e.

Q2 : Is the topic of internet of things included in the syllabus
A2 : yes, students will learn the topic of internet of things in chapter 6