About this Course

Course Description

Quantitative Research Method Analysis course aims to equip students with statistical tools needed in their academic research. This course will teach students to use both SPSS statistical software and Smart PLS software. The only prerequisite in this course is basic mathematics knowledge and determination to learn. We believe students need to know how to use the statistical tools and, more importantly, to know the purpose of each statistical tool. Both the know-how and know why will enable students to apply the suitable statistical tools in their research. We divide this course into two parts. This first part will cover the basic descriptive and inferential statistics covering data preparation, preliminary data analysis, explore relationships between variables and compare groups. The second part will introduce structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis, a popular statistical tool in business management research. At the end of this course, students should be able to: - 1. Organise data preparation process that includes data entry, data screening and preliminary data analysis. 2. Determine the correct statistical tools in academic research 3. Integrate lifelong learning skills related to statistical tools and software in their academic research.

Course Learning Outcomes

1 ) Exploring relationship between variables
2 ) Organise data preparation process that includes data entry, data screening and preliminary data analysis.
3 ) Comparing between groups
4 ) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

Course Details

EFFORT : 4 hours per week
MODE : 100% Online
COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate
LANGUAGE : English
CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )


1.1 Data preparation process - Coding and Data entry
1.2 Data Screening – Data editing, data transformation and missing value

2.1 Descriptive analysis: numerical and graphical methods.
2.2 Preliminary data analysis: reliability scale and choosing the right statistical methods.

3.1 Correlation
3.2 Partial Correlation
3.3 Multiple Regression
3.4 Logistic Regression

4.1 Factor Analysis

5.1 T-test - Independence equal variance and Independence unequal variance
5.2 T-test - dependence
5.3 Analysis of Variance - ANOVA

6.1 Chi-square test for goodness of fit
6.2 Chi-square test for independence
6.3 McNemar's Test
6.4 Cochran's Q Test
6.5 Kappa Measure of Agreement
6.6 Mann-Whitney U Test
6.7 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
6.8 Kruskal-Wallis Test
6.9 Friedman Test

7.1 Introduction to SEM
7.2 Path Model
7.3 Path Model Estimation

8.1 Assessing Reflective Measurement Models
8.2 Assessing Formative Measurement Models
8.3 Assessing Structural Model
8.4 Mediator Analysis
8.5 Moderation Analysis

Our Instructor


Course Instructor
UiTM Kampus Tapah


Course Instructor
UiTM Shah Alam

 Frequently Asked Questions

A1 : You will learn two things from this course. This first is how to carry out the basic descriptive and inferential statistics covering data preparation, preliminary data analysis, explore relationships between variables and compare groups. The second is to use structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis, a popular statistical tool in business management research.

A2 : Yes, you need to install SPPS software and SMART-PLS software. We will give you instructions on how to install the software in the course.

A3 : Absolutely yes, as this course required only a basic knowledge of mathematics but a tremendous amount of commitment and perspiration to learn.