About this Course
Course Description
Behind every successful technology company is a visionary, effective and efficient technopreneur. In this course, students will be exposed to entrepreneurship and apply their entrepreneurial skills in developing an advanced technology that could be a basis for the creation and development of a technology-based venture. This course is designed to inculcate the entrepreneurial skills among science and technology cluster students and promote the development of technology-based entrepreneurship knowledge. The course delivery combines both theoretical and practical aspects of technology entrepreneurship. Theoretical aspect is looking at the important elements in understanding technology entrepreneurship, while practical aspect is engaging the students to develop their technology based idea business blueprint. The course has two key components of face-to-face lectures and practical project based assignments monitored with the course lecturer.
Course Learning Outcomes
1 ) Explain the concept and process related to principles of technology entrepreneurship using verbal and non-verbal communication
2 ) Demonstrate managerial and entrepreneurial skills in identifyingtechnology-based business opportunities
3 ) Demonstrate information retrieval and management skills in preparingtechnology venture blueprint
Course Details
STATUS : Open DURATION : FLEXIBLE EFFORT : 3 hours per week MODE : 100% Online COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate LANGUAGE : English CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )