About this Course
Course Description
Welcome to the FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 2 (FAR160) page . This is a free online learning based program developed by a team of accounting lecturers from Universiti Teknologi MARA (campus of Tapah, Perak) to cater an interactive participation of students all around the university's branches This course is a continuation of the first course in accounting, i.e. Financial Accounting 1 (FAR110). In this course, students will be taught about business transactions, financial statements, and issues peculiar to the operations of partnership and public corporation. Topics include formation and changes in the operation of partnership, such as accounting for admission of new partners, withdrawal of old partners and changes in capital and profit and loss sharing ratios and an overview of corporate financial reporting, including the accounting for stock transactions and preparation of financial statements for publication purpose. After successfully completing this course, students should be able to: - Prepare the appropriation statement as well as the financial statements of a partnership business. - Distinguish various types of companies and its formation. - Explain different types of equity instruments and debts instruments, issuance of equity instruments and debts instruments and their accounting entries. - Explain the redemption of equity instruments and debts instruments and their accounting entries. - Prepare financial statements for publication purpose. - Prepare statement of cash flows.
Course Learning Outcomes
No information
Course Details
STATUS : Open DURATION : FLEXIBLE EFFORT : 3 hours per week MODE : 100% Online COURSE LEVEL : Beginner LANGUAGE : English CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )