About this Course
Course Description
The course will emphasize on the food quality elements and the latest trends in the industry to assess food quality. Additionally, it provides students the ability to understand and analyze the quality assessment of advanced food quality. Quality standards such as total quality menagement, Hazard analysis critical control point, Halal and international organizations of standards will be deliberated and discussed in this course. Under this course, there are TWO instructors which are Prof Madya Dr Chemah Tamby Chik Prof Madya Ts Dr Sabaianah Bachok Our detail contact and profiles can be seen in the Course Content
Course Learning Outcomes
1 ) Identify the standard procedures for food quality assurance and control in foodservice industry ( CLO1, C2 )
2 ) Present in both writing and orally the procedures involved to optimize food quality in foodservice industry ( CLO2, A3 )
3 ) Analyze the important requirements for quality assurance in foodservice industry ( CLO3, C4)
Course Details
STATUS : Open DURATION : FLEXIBLE EFFORT : 3 MODE : 100% Online COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate LANGUAGE : English CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )