About this Course

Course Description

Pervasiveness that occurs in the travel industry demands a more comprehensive study of leisure behavior in all its complexity. The continued growth of the tourism industry depends on a closer and more attentive scrutiny of group travel needs as well as how it influences leisure and travel patterns of individuals. This subject will therefore identify the elements influencing tourist behavior, understanding and managing tourist behavior and the process involved in making decisions among the tourist. This subject also will explain the important of determining the current travel behaviour of international and domestic tourists on organization's marketing strategies planning.

Course Learning Outcomes

1 ) Analyze tourist psychographic determinants in travel decision making. (C4)
2 ) Explain various concepts, principles and theories of human behavior related to tourism. (C2)
3 ) Demonstrate autonomous learning related to current trends in tourist behavior and its implication on destination marketing and growth. (A3)

Course Details

EFFORT : 1 hours per week
MODE : 100% Online
COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate
LANGUAGE : English
CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )


i. The History of Tourist Behaviour.
ii. Main Concepts in Consumer Behaviour, Theories and Models Adapted for Tourism.

i. Stereotypes of tourists
ii. Social roles and the tourist
iii. Age,Nationality and Gender
iv. Additional demographic factors
v. Travelling styles
vi. Tourists and tourism products

i. Typology of Motivators
ii. Internal and External Determinants
iii. Purchase decision making

i. Characterising tourist destination
ii. Communicating the destination characteristics
iii. Destination image
iv. Destination choice

i. Typologies of Tourist Behaviour
ii. Segmentation of The Tourism Market

i. The Global Pattern of Tourism Demand
ii. National Differences: Domestic, Outbound and Inbound
iii. The Nature of Demand in Different Segments of The Tourism Market
iv. Consumer Behaviour and Markets in the Different Sectors of Tourism

i. Researching Tourist Behaviour : Marketing Research
ii. The Marketing Mix and Tourist Behaviour

i. The Green Tourist
ii. Rise of The Global Tourist
iii. The Emergence of The New Markets and Changes in Tourist Demand Quality and Tourist Satisfaction
iv. Covid-19 pandemic and tourist behaviour (during and post pandemic)

i. The Future of Tourist Behaviour

Our Instructor


Course Instructor
UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam


Course Instructor
UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam


Course Instructor
UiTM Kampus Puncak Alam

 Frequently Asked Questions

A1 : Nine (9) main topics.

A2 : Mr. Muhammad Aliff Asyraff Kamal Nurzaman
Email: [email protected]

A3 : If you are a current UiTM student, register for an account with the MOOC platform using your UiTM email address.

If you are a freshman who has not yet matriculated at UiTM, you may register using your personal email address.

A4 : Free online courses are currently open to anyone with a valid email address.

A5 : Content and activities open as the weeks progress. You may work at your own pace within the current week and return to previous weeks to continue working. All courses end at a specified time and become unavailable when they close.

A6 : You may participate in a free online course at any time that is convenient to you. There are no activities that require you to be online at a specific time.

A7 : The course will remain open for a few weeks after the end date of the course. Afterwards, the course will be closed. If you want to access the content again, you can register for the course when the course is offered in the future.

A8 : All participants can view the names of those enrolled in the course. Your email address will not be shown to other participants unless you choose to share that information.

A9 : Due to the high volume of participants in free online courses, direct communication with professors is not guaranteed. Participants are invited to use the forums in the course site to communicate with other participants and the professor.

A10 : Visit the UiTM website at