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Course Info

About this Course

The course is designed to prepare students to manage the dynamic, constantly changing working environment with required knowledge and skills. Specifically, it provides the students with awareness of skillful performance of personal, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills required as foundation of effective management practices in today's travel and tourism industry.

Course Syllabus

Concept of Personal Development, Attitudes and Self Concept
i. Understanding the definition of personal development and ethics
ii. Core concepts and different perspectives of personal development
iii. Developing personal goals
iv. Influential people as role models
v. Definition of attitude, self-concept, values and personality
vi. Self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-image
vii. Making a positive first impression

Self-motivation and self-management
i. Overcoming shyness
ii. Building self-confidence and self discipline
iii. Maintaining perseverence
iv. Successful time management
v. Overcoming stress
vi. Developing emotional intelligence

Human relations skills, effective communication, building and sustaining relationship
i. Human relations in the workplace
ii. Effective communication.
iii. Communication style and etiquette
iv. Listening skills
v. Relationship with subordinates, peers, superiors,cle

Managing conflict and anger
i. Addressing conflicts
ii. Types, intensity and costs of conflicts
iii. Positive conflicts
iv. Conflict management and resolution
v. Adressing anger
vi.Costs, types and managing anger

Improving thinking skill
i. Thinking skills
ii. The concept of left and right brain
iii. Critical, creative and lateral thinking
iv. Mind mapping

Preparing for career
i. Career planning
ii. Job searching
iii. Getting a job
iv. Starting a new job
v. Switching jobs

Developing leadership skills and managing change
i. What makes a leader
ii. Empowering and influencing others
iii. Leading change and innovation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : Where do values come from?
A1 : Values comes from the influence of family, friends, religion, culture, school and society at large