About this Course
Course Description
This course exposes the students to the concept of geography, the physical landscapes and the population landscapes, dynamics and activities. The students will examine the ten different regions and its sub-regions individually; examine its diversities and how these regions deal with the dynamic nature of the global business environment and current events. This course coverage will enhance the students? understanding that regions are different in term of their culture and history, environment, economic growth, political institutions and its local and international policies. Important issues regarding changes in political, cultural, legal, environmental, economic, and governmental forces that interact with international business management will be emphasized.
Course Learning Outcomes
1 ) Explain regions/countries of the world and its importance in a globalized environement.
2 ) Demonstrate continuous learning through current issues related to global market places
3 ) Analyze the importance of world regions and their distinctive history, culture, environment, political and economic development
Course Details
STATUS : Open DURATION : FLEXIBLE EFFORT : 4 hours per week MODE : 100% Online COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate LANGUAGE : English CLUSTER : Business & Management ( SP )