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Course Info

About this Course

This course is designed to help students to develop the understanding of the key concepts and pathogenesis of trisomy, clinical manifestations and the management of the three most common trisomy cases among the paediatric patients. These will be delivered in 4 core topics which are: (1) Introduction and Key concepts (2) Down syndrome (3) Edwards syndrome (4) Patau syndrome. Approximately 1 to 2 weeks should be spent for each core topic, thus the course would take in total about 4 to 8 weeks. It is self-paced so that you can manage your own learning time. By the end of this course you would be able to discuss the pathogenesis of trisomy, explain the common trisomy syndromes with their respective genetic abnormalities, clinical features and management. It is good to have basic knowledge in human genetics, biology and computational skills prior to embarking the course. We greatly appreciate that all learners can give their full commitment during the course, even though it is online. We welcome interactions of learners by encouraging and congratulating each others' achievements through out the course.

Course Syllabus

Trisomy: An Introduction and Key Concepts
a) What is trisomy?
b) What are the types of trisomy?
c) Pathogenesis of trisomy in paediatrics.

Down Syndrome
a) What is Down syndrome and what are the types?
b) The clinical manifestations of Down syndrome.
c) The management of Down syndrome.

Edwards syndrome
a) What is Edwards syndrome and what are the types?
b) The clinical manifestations of Edwards syndrome.
c) The management of Edwards syndrome.

Patau syndrome
a) What is Patau syndrome and what are the types?
b) The clinical manifestations of Patau syndrome.
c) The management of Patau syndrome

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : What is the pre-requisite of taking the course?
A1 : It is good to have basic knowledge in human genetics, biology and computational skills.

Q2 : Who can take the course?
A2 : Anybody who is interested in learning genetic diseases in human.

Q3 : What are the essentials needed to be able to undertake the course?
A3 : You will need a good internet connection and laptop or desktop or tablet or mobile phone to undertake the course.