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Course Info

About this Course

This course is an extension from the Foundation Arabic For Tourism TAC201 and it is offered only to students of the Diploma in Tourism Management. It focuses on the learning of the Foundation Arabic for a specific purpose that is tourism. In this course, students are exposed to terminologies, phrases, sentences, dialogues and clippings as well as cultural elements that are directed to dealings / transactions / communication and activities in tourism.

Course Syllabus

Lesson 1 (Foods and Beverages)
1. Foods and beverage - al ma'kulat wa al- mashrubat
2. Order your drink - utlub mashrubaka
3. vocabulary-almufradat
4. fi'il madi
5. al ta'am 'arabiy

Lesson 2 (Village Sceneries)
1. qaryati al jamilah
2. alfallah al nasyit
3. mufradat
4. adjectives
5.al fallah al mu'asir

Lesson 3 (‘Eid Celebration)
1. al a'yad wa al mahrajan
2. fi ma'rad al kumbiyutar
3. al mufradat
4. fi'l al mudhari'
5. al 'eid

Lesson 4 (Transportation)
1. al muwasalat
2. talab al musa'adah
3. al mufradat
4. anwa' al muwasalat
5. al ittijahat

Lesson 5 (Health)
1. al sihhah wa al'ilaj
2. fi al mustashfa
3. al mufradat
4. anwa' al amrad
5. muraja'ah al dhomair

Lesson 6 (services)
1. al khadamat
2. fi markaz al shurtat
3. al mufradat
4. fi'l al amr
5. al a'dad 1000-10,000

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : Apakah hasil pembelajaran daripada subjek ini?
A1 : Pelajar mampu bertutur dalam topik yang dipelajari.

Q2 : Apakah hasil pembelajaran daripada subjek ini?
A2 : Pelajar mampu bertutur dalam topik yang dipelajari.