Course Details




About this Course

This course is covering on human anatomy and physiology for health sciences. The aim of this course is to provide the student with knowledge of anatomical and physiological aspects of the human body. For the beginning of this course, the content will be started with introduction to anatomy and physiology, general orientation to human body, chemistry of life and cellular form which enable cell to function. Then the students will learn about fundamental of genetic and types of tissue. Once the students have covered these basic topics, contents of the course will move on into the different systems that make up the human body. The systems that are covered in this part include the integumentary system, joints and the skeletal system, the muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system, and reproductive system. In each system, students are exposed to the various structures and functions of the systems in normal condition. Every time, emphasize is given to the systems involvement in maintaining homeostasis.

Course Learning Outcomes

1) Explain the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology and general structure of human body systems
2) Analyse the functions of human body systems.
3) Interpret the interrelationships within and between anatomical and physiological systems of the human body.

Course Syllabus

1) Topic 1:Introduction to human body
Organization of the body
Support and movement
Integration and control
Regulation and maintenance
Reproduction and development

2) Topic 2:General Orientation to human body and concept in physiology
Body organization
Anatomical position
Anatomical plane
Directional terminology
Introduction to medical terminology
Body cavities and membranes
Organ systems
Biological control system
Body fluid compartments
Factor affecting total body fluids and its distribution
Body heat and thermoregulation

3) Topic 3:Chemistry of life and cellular form and function
Atom, ions, and molecule
Water and mixtures
Energy and chemical reactions
Fundamental organic compounds
Concept s of cellular structures.
The cell surface
Membrane transport
The cytoplasm
Basic functions of each cell components
whole cell activity, gene expression, cell life cycle and apoptosis

4) Topic 4: Histology and Integument system
The study of tissues
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Muscle and nervous tissue
Intercellular junctions, glands, and membranes
Tissue growth, development, death and repair
Structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Function of the skins
Skin accessories
Hair and nails
Sebaceous and sweat glands
Degree of burns and skin cancer

5) Topic 5: Skeletal System
Tissue and organs of skeletal system
Histology of osseous tissue
Bone development
Overview of the skeleton
The skull
The vertebral column and thoracic cage
The upper limb
The lower limb
Structure and function

6) Topic 6: Muscular System
The structural and functional organization of muscles
Muscles of the head and neck
Muscles of the trunk
Muscles of the shoulders and upper limb
Muscles of the hip and lower limb
Physiology of muscles
The muscle-nerve relationship
Muscles behavior

7) Topic 7: Nervous System
Overview of the nervous system
Anatomical organization of the nervous system
Functional organization of the nervous system
Functions of the brain and spinal cord
Sense organs

8) Topic 8: Endocrine System
Overview of the endocrine system
The hypothalamus and pituitary glands
Other endocrine glands
Hormones and their actions

9) Topic 9: Blood Circulatory System
The heart
Blood vessels and circulation

10) Topic 10: Lymphatic System
Lymphatic vessels, tissue, and organ
Lymphatic flow circuit, and functions
Non-specific resistance
General aspects of specific immunity
Cellular immunity
Humoral immunity

11) Topic 11: Respiratory System
Anatomy of the respiratory system
Mechanics of ventilation
Gas exchange and transport
Blood chemistry and respiratory rhythm

12) Topic 12: Digestive System
General anatomy and digestive processes
Nutrition and metabolism

13) Topic 13: Urinary System
Functions of the urinary system
Anatomy of the urinary system
Urine formation
Glomerular filtration
Tubular reabsorption and secretion
Water conservation
Urine storage and elimination
Water balance
Electrolyte balance
Acid base balance

14) Topic 14: Reproductive system and genetic inheritance
Sexual reproduction
Sex determination and development
The male reproductive system
The female reproductive system
DNA replication and the cell cycle
Chromosomes and heredity

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : What is the different between anatomy vs physiology?
A1 : Anatomy is a study about human body system organ approach and physiology is study about the function of each system

Course Details





DURATION : Flexible

EFFORT : 3 hours per week

COURSE LEVEL : Intermediate

LANGUAGE : English

121 Students
6 Instructors

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