Courses | Lifelong Learning

    Pembelajaran Asas Tulisan Jawi dalam bahasa Mandarin
    This course is designed for Chinese students to learn Jawi in Mandarin. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify Jawi alphabet, write the word and read the sentences using Jawi alphabet. Students are also exposed to the differences between Jawi alphabet and Pinyin pronunciation.
    This course is formulated for foundation and diploma students as a platform to guide and prepare them for their degree course selection. Upon enrol to this course student can do a career interest test to explore their potential career that match their personality and interest, consider the possible path for degree by go through all the courses from all cluster that meet their qualification, and learn the basic communication skills and tips to prepare for an interview.
    Kursus ini menjelaskan fitrah penciptaan manusia iaitu meliputi proses kejadian manusia menurut Islam dan keperluan manusia kepada agama. Kursus ini juga menjelaskan konsep ilmu menurut Islam dan Barat. Selain itu, prinsip asas Islam iaitu akidah, syariah dan akhlak juga turut dihuraikan. Di akhir kursus, pelajar akan didedahkan juga dengan beberapa isu semasa berkaitan agama dan masyarakat.
    Kursus ini menjelaskan kepada pelajar mengenai tasawwur Islam dan menghubungkaitkan akidah dengan amalan seharian. Kursus ini juga membincangkan aplikasi syariah, ibadah dan akhlak dalam kehidupan serta mengenalpasti isu dan cabaran semasa. Kemahiran membaca, menghafaz dan menganalisis ayat al-Quran turut diterapkan.
    Kursus ini mempersiapkan pelajar untuk menghayati etika dan peradaban yang wujud dalam masyarakat kepelbagaian etnik di Malaysia untuk memperteguhkan pemikiran kritikal dan analitikal mereka bagi menangani kehidupan yang lebih mencabar. Pengisian kursus ini memfokuskan kepada penghayatan etika dan peradaban dalam acuan Malaysia. Pelajar akan didedahkan dengan dinamika konsep etika dan peradaban yang menjadi kekuatan kepada pembentukan negara Malaysia berdasarkan susur masa evolusi sejarahnya dari era pra-kolonial sehingga ke pasca-kolonial. Kefahaman tentang pembentukan etika dan peradaban dalam masyarakat kepelbagaian dibincangkan bagi meningkatkan penghayatan etika dan peradaban ke arah pemantapan dalam aktiviti akademik berpandukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai tapak integrasi dan wahana etika dan peradaban. Pembinaan kesepaduan nasional amat dipengaruhi oleh globalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi yang kompleks. Oleh kerana itu, penghayatan etika dan peradaban menzahirkan perilaku tanggungjawab sosial dan digerakkan pada peringkat individu, keluarga, komuniti, masyarakat, dan negara. Justeru, perubahan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dan pembangunan langsung ekonomi telah membawa cabaran baru dalam mengukuhkan kelestarian etika dan peradaban di Malaysia. Amalan Pendidikan Berimpak Tinggi (HIEPs) dipraktikkan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi mendalami kursus ini. (pengajaran & pembelajaran). nasional dan bangsa Malaysia. Peradaban acuan Malaysia perlu dikupas serta diperdebatkan
    Kursus ini akan membincangkan sejarah dan asas-asas perakaunan dalam Islam, konsep harta dan pemilikan serta amalan perakaunan dalam Islam.
    Kursus ini membincangkan konsep asas ekonomi dari perspektif Islam. Ia memfokuskan kepada aktiviti-aktiviti dan aplikasinya dalam muamalat yang berasaskan syariat.
    Kursus ini membincangkan konsep insurans dari perpektif Islam. Ia memfokuskan kepada Takaful dan aplikasinya dalam muamalat yang berasaskan syariat
    Kursus ini membincangkan konsep harta dan hartanah serta asas-asas pengurusannya. Ia juga merangkumi teori fiqh tentang hartanah dan aplikasinya dalam pengurusan hartanah semasa. Kursus ini turut membincangkan urusniaga, etika dan isu-isu semasa berkaitan hartanah.
    Kursus ini membincangkan epistemologi, sejarah dan pencapaian sains maklumat Islamic, etika pengurusan maklumat dan isu-isu dalam dunia maklumat menurut Islam
    Kursus ini membincangkan konsep komunikasi Islam, dakwah dan metodologi, komunikasi Islam dan transformasi budaya, media dan ICT menurut Islam dan aplikasi qawaid fiqhiyyah dalam komunikasi.
    Kursus ini membincangkan konsep seni dan keindahan dalam Islam. Ia turut menghuraikan bentuk seni dan kreativiti serta kedudukan dan pencapaian kreativiti dan inovasi dalam tamadun Islam.
    This is an introductory course to Islamic Banking for students to understand the fundamentals of Shariah-compliance banking system. Students will be introduced to the concepts and principles adopted/adapted by Islamic banks to comply with the Shariah requirements. The course will equip students with the basics to distinguish between Islamic and conventional banking system, expose students to the modus operandi of selected facilities/instruments offered by Islamic banks and assist them in evaluating the value proposition promoted by Islamic Banking System.
    Kursus merangkumi hubungan ilmu falsafah dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Negara dan Rukun Negara. Penggunaan falsafah sebagai alat untuk memurnikan budaya pemikiran dalam kehidupan melalui seni dan kaedah berfikir serta konsep insan. Topik utama dalam falsafah iaitu epistimologi, metafizik dan etika dibincangkan dalam konteks isu semasa. Penekanan diberikan kepada falsafah sebagai asas bagi menjalin dialog antara budaya serta memupuk nilai sepunya. Di hujung kursus ini pelajar akan mampu melihat disiplin-disiplin ilmu sebagai satu badan ilmu yang komprehensif dan terkait antara satu sama lain.
    Kursus ini menerangkan tentang konsep etika daripada perspektif peradaban yang berbeza. la bertujuan bagi mengenal pasti sistem, tahap perkembangan, kemajuan dan kebudayaan sesuatu bangsa dalam mengukuhkan kesepaduan sosial. Selain itu, perbincangan berkaitan isu-isu kontemporari dalam aspek ekonomi, politik, sosial, budaya dan alam sekitar daripada perspektif etika dan peradaban dapat melahirkan pelajar yang bermoral dan profesional. Penerapan amalan pendidikan berimpak tinggi (HIEPs) yang bersesuaian digunakan dalam penyampaian kursus ini. Di hujung kursus ini pelajar akan dapat menghubungkaitkan etika dan kewarganegaraan berminda sivik.
    1) Describe the concept and nature of Shariah 2) Discuss the role and significance of Shariah in the contemporary world 3) Demonstrate the application, challenges, and prospects of the implementation of Shariah in the contemporary world
    Complete Denture Prosthodontic: A Clinical Guide
    Prosthodontics is a dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficiency in the number of teeth. Removable Prosthodontics is the branch that oversees the replacement of missing teeth or soft tissue with a removable prosthesis that may be a tooth, tissue or tooth-tissue supported. The aim of the “Complete Denture Prosthodontics: A Clinical Guide” course is to ensure that students will be able to construct a quality complete denture following the principle of construction, hence producing satisfaction to the patients. It comprises theories on online learning, application of basic knowledge as guided video, assessment, and discussion for each topic. At the end of the MOOC Courses, students are advised to fill up this form at
    Keep it simple: Cranial Nerves Abnormalities
    This course is an introduction and overview of cranial nerve abnormalities - their features, underlying fundamental knowledge and the application in everyday life.
    Hello, we're a group of doctors, who will give you the information regarding the largest organ of our body '… the SKIN'. The more knowledge you have on the skin, the more you can appreciate yours. It will also help you to communicate with doctors if you require professional help. This course will also benefit undergraduate students in medicine, biology or any related field. We will keep the topics light, add some fun to increase better understanding among the multi-level community. After completing the course, you should be able to 1. acquire a general knowledge of the skin's structure, function, and physiology. 2. comprehend basic knowledge of skin problems that lead to skin diseases. 3. able to know the steps in minimizing a skin problem. 4. understand the social impact from abnormalities of the skin and associated conditions.
    This course provides students with an opportunity to advance knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control in contemporary healthcare practice particularly in dental environment setting. Students will be encouraged to explore aspects of clinical governance, theories, method of preventions and complete array of infection prevention and control, with particular relevance to the student's requirement to practice safe procedure in the clinic.
    Fixed Partial Dental Prostheses
    This MOOC is recommended as a first step to learn Fixed Partial Dental Prostheses. As a fundamental course in the fixed prosthodontics, you will learn the timeless message that simple to advanced prosthodontics must begin with a thorough understanding of treatment planning, materials selection, fundamental principles of tooth preparation, prosthesis designs, adhesive dentistry, and clinical procedures. In addition, a series of demonstration regarding tooth preparation, provisional restorations, impression techniques, and cementation are incorporated into this MOOC.
    This MOOC is recommended as a first step to learn dental occlusion. As the fundamental course in the occlusion series, you will learn the timeless message that simple to advanced dentistry must begin with a thorough understanding of dental occlusion and the functions of the stomatognathic system. Besides, a comprehensive understanding of how the TMJ, muscles, and dentition/ periodontium are designed to function in harmony with one another. There are 6 lessons in the course: 1. The stomatognathic system 2. Basic mandibular movements 3. Fundamental concept of occlusion 4. Articulator and facebow 5. Occlusion in removable, fixed and implant prosthodontics 6. Managing common occlusal problems
    If you want to learn how to treat simple to moderate cases of malocclusion using removable orthodontic appliances, you have landed in the right place. This MOOC is designed to give you the fundamental knowledge needed to treat patients using removable orthodontic appliances. You will learn their mode of action, their basic components, and the malocclusion cases suitable to be treated with removable orthodontic appliances. In this MOOC, a series of detailed demonstrations will guide you through the fabrication and issue of removable appliances to achieve the desired treatment goals. A variety of clinical cases, case summaries and appliance designs are also delivered to you in this MOOC. Learning engagement: The goal of this course is to provide students with open access interactive courses in Orthodontic Removable Appliances (ORA) using a variety of formats where lectures, practical videos, assessments, and other learning activities are offered. The learning activities in this course are divided into 6 modules.
    This module will introduce participants to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology, as well as impart basic knowledge on the skill required for the sale and effective use of these UAVs. Participants will also be trained on flying UAVs.
    Removable Partial Prosthodontics
    Prosthodontics is a dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficiency in the number of teeth. Removable Prosthodontics is the branch that oversees the replacement of missing teeth or soft tissue with removable prothesis that may be tooth, tissue or tooth-tissue supported. This Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) course aims to take you through the fundamentals and basic techniques on how to go about delivering a functional and aesthetically satisfactory RPD to your patient. The course will begin with an introduction and classifications of RPDs, followed by the stages involved in treatment planning. Upon completing this, you will learn the basic principles of designing an RPD along with the impression materials that are frequently used in RPDs. The remaining of this course will walk you through the clinical steps of RPD fabrication and not forgetting the occlusion concepts.
    This course is intended to introduce participants to steps in tobacco cessation practice. This course will include an introduction to tobacco addiction, the risks associated with tobacco use, the steps in tobacco cessation practice, cognitive and behavioral treatment strategies including motivational interviewing, and a brief overview on tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy. This course would be suitable for health professionals looking to incorporate tobacco cessation in their practice.
    This course is designed to enhance students' knowledge using a Scientific Calculator in solving mathematics problems. Students must have some basic knowledge in using Scientific Calculator before enrol this course.
    This course aims to introduce basic English language communication to support staff in an organization. The course will cover basic English language skills, namely reading, email writing, as well as engaging in small talks. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to apply all the skills in their daily communication.
    Creating impactful presentation is indeed a much coveted skill in this new millennia to ensure that the audience can understand and absorb the gist of the speech. Facts should be organized in a systematic way to help people to take the information in, assimilate and retain the understanding. A speech aided by a good PowerPoint presentation can present the information in an appealing way. In this course, participants are exposed to the PowerPoint environment and taught to use the available features on media such as text, images and graphics, animation, transition as well as audio to empower the presentation. A hands-on assessment will be provided to improve the participants skill on using the PowerPoint software.
    Online learning is at a new height. The proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is evident in showing a merger between education and technology. Accessible online courses allow millions of people across the globe to access education. Let's MOOC is an online workshop developed by considering bibliographic analysis to determine the best MOOC characteristics. The aim is to ensure MOOCs is produced at a higher quality without jeopardising the course integrity. Let's MOOC showcase best practices in online teaching for academicians to develop an effective, efficient, and satisfying teaching and learning experience for learners. It comprises theories on online learning, application of blended learning, MOOC development, and materials required to kick start a MOOC. With the use of Let's MOOC, UiTM academicians will produce and publish quality and effective MOOC, henceforth, nurture successful and satisfied online learners. Join our course, and design your own MOOC with us!
    Kursus ini diadakan adalah bagi memberi panduan kepada para peserta mempelajari dan mengaplikasi carian gambar yang sesuai dengan keperluan,hakcipta dan asas suntingan gambar menggunakan perisian adobe photoshop untuk pembangunan bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran atau pun untuk kerja-kerja harian. The course will introduce participants with the basic handling of image-editing tools. This include image composition, editing, manipulations as well as general approaches for special effects, masking and animations.
    Penerbitan Desktop adalah istilah yang diwujudkan selepas pembangunan jenis perisian tertentu. Ini mengenai menggunakan perisian itu untuk menggabungkan dan menyusun semula teks dan imej dan membuat fail digital untuk tontonan cetak, dalam talian, atau laman web. Sebelum penciptaan perisian penerbitan desktop, tugas-tugas yang terlibat dalam penerbitan desktop dilakukan secara manual oleh orang yang mengkhususkan diri dalam reka bentuk grafik, penataan, dan tugas-tugas prepress.
    Kursus ini membincangkan mengenai Infografik yang semakin kerap digunakan untuk menyatakan atau menzahirkan maklumat secara lebih jelas berpandukan data ataupun fakta denggan menggukan rekaan grafik yang menggandungi imej, carta, rajah mahupun teks. Penggunaan perisian dengan kaedah yang betul akan dibincangkan untuk menghasilkan infografik yang baik, cepat dan tepat.
    Kursus ini adalah bagi memberi panduan kepada peserta memahami kerja-kerja pembangunan video bermula dari pre production,production hingga ke post production. Kursus ini juga membolehkan peserta menghasilkan element-element multimedia seperti text,gambar,suara,animasi, video dan interactivity dalam youtube untuk pembangunan bahan pengajaran atau pun untuk kerja-kerja harian.
    Kursus ini diadakan adalah bagi memberi panduan kepada para peserta mempelajari dan mengaplikasi asas rakaman dan suntingan audio menggunakan perisian adobe audition untuk pembangunan bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran atau pun untuk kerja-kerja harian.
    Overview : In this IC333 MOOC Course, participants will be exposed to beginner level visual analytics using Tableau. Tableau is one of the most fast-growing data visualization tools which is currently being used in the BI industry. It is the best way to change or transform the raw set of data into an easily understandable format with zero technical skills and coding knowledge. Participants will be exposed to best practices and analytical techniques using Tableau. Objective : 1. Understand the main Tableau interface. 2. Build visualizations and dashboards. 3. Show trends or change over time. 4. Use maps and spatial analysis. 5. Learn best practices and analytical techniques using Tableau. Expected Skill of Participants : Basic Programming : NO Basic Statistic: YES Software Required : Tableau Desktop
    Kursus ini menjelaskan konsep nilai dan etika dalam kehidupan manusia. Ia juga turut membincangkan sistem etika dalam pelbagai peradaban manusia. Di samping itu ia turut membincangkan kepentingan penghayatan etika dalam kehidupan kontemporari.
    The department of Microbiology and Parasitology of Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Sg. Buloh, Selangor Malaysia offers online courses for students and public who are seeking extra knowledge in the field of infectious diseases.
    This course will prepare you to enter IMMB laboratory as Research Assistance or Postgraduate Students. In this course, you will learn about basic concepts of laboratory safety, contamination awareness, chemical registry, basic handling of imaging equipment, spill, waste and sample handling. The course will also introduce about the institution and its people, SOP & services available in IMMB. The students are expected to be technically aware in the various areas discussed including pipetting, safety equipment and using fire extinguisher after completing this course. The outcomes shall be accessed through a quiz & lab engagement. Students will only perform experiments in IMMB lab after passed this course and gained entry access into the lab from the Admirative Office of IMMB.
    Introductory Medical Mandarin Communication Course is designed specifically for students or staffs of the Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing and Health Sciences Bachelor’s Degree in University Technology MARA who have no background in Mandarin or any character-based language. This course can also be used by medical field students from other tertiary institutions and medical staff. The students will be taught appropriate introductory level vocabulary and grammar. The course will emphasize greatly on developing student’s communication skills in medical workplace situational contexts through various activities such as language games, role plays, simulations and other relevant language tasks. Besides, social skills will be emphasized to develop students’ self-confidence. Students will also be trained to be proactive and learn good moral values through language activities in virtual classes. This course consists of 7 topics. Each topic consists of situational dialogues and activities involving listening, speaking, reading and writing skills based on the learning objectives. Students are expected to take part in all language activities to ensure success in attaining elementary proficiency in Mandarin within 60 hours. The teaching materials and exercises are presented through a multimodal approach. The course incorporates words, images, audio recordings, videos, animation graphics, songs and music to garner the diversified students’ learning style and interest while making learning fun to achieve favorable learning outcomes. At the end of the course, the student should be able to speak and interact in basic Mandarin with confidence in hospital everyday situations.
    This MOOC is a basic guideline for anyone who are interested to learn how to use Microsoft Office 365: Word, PowerPoint and Excel in order to create text documents, presentation slides and basic calculations.
    This MOOC is a guideline for the civil engineering design particularly for reinforced concrete structures. The program is dedicated for civil engineering students as well as practitioners to get a good overview on the overall design process starting from the structural key plans, loading analysis and distribution up to the design process and reinforcement details. This course will provide guide to students on the design of basic reinforced concrete structures in accordance to the Eurocode2 (BS EN 1992). Tips and tricks on designing the structures will also be provided as a guide to design the structures in the real design working environment.
    Learn how to search online database subscribe by UiTM Library and gain benefit from it.
    LLL001 Health & Wellness @ Uni is one of the online courses offered for students at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). This module aims to introduce students to the comprehensive concept of health and wellness which encompasses biological (or physical), psychological (or mental), social and spiritual aspects of life. The module aims to equip students with knowledge of healthy lifestyles; performing routine exercise and physical activities, using healthy psychological skills in managing stress, choosing proper ways of seeking help, having healthy social relationships and embracing healthy spiritual practice in order to be a healthy student with good quality of life. As a student of this open learning module, you are expected to be acquainted with learning independently, optimise the resources offered by the university and use other resources available to you. Disclaimer: This MOOC content is provided for informational purposes only and is not attended as a medical therapy, or counselling session, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician, psychiatrist, counsellor or spiritual healer. For proper therapy sessions, links to various facilities and services are provided in this MOOC to assist the students. These links are valid during the publication of this MOOC. Please be aware of updates and future amendments whenever necessary. For emergencies, please call UiTM Emergency Hotline: 2999 (UiTM Primary Health Clinic) or 3999 (UiTM Auxiliary Police)
    This MOOC covers the student's use of the engineering design process for Final Year Project (FYP) activities. The topics are set to the same as typical FYP structures, which contain the chapters of introduction, literature review, methodology, result and discussion, and conclusion and recommendation. Thus, the student will be guided by the engineering design process based on this divided chapter. For each chapter, the student will be exposed to the essential engineering design tool suitable for the designated chapter. The outcome of this MOOC is that students can produce their very own product design in engineering drawing. Later this engineering drawing can be used for the next FYP objective, whether it is simulations, fabrications, or analysis.
    Anaemia in Adults
    Anaemia is common clinical manifestation and is encounter on a daily basis. Between the year 1993-2005, anaemia has affected 1.62 billion people and affects a wide range of ages. This module will provide an overview of anaemia occurring in adults. The aim is to help you to have a better understanding of anaemia. The module consists of 6 subtopics which encompasses the definition and physiology, clinical approach, classification, investigations, management as well as anaemia occurring in special populations. This course is open to all students with a medical/scientific background as well as those interested to know about anaemia. Throughout the course, feel free to ask any question in this platform and we will try our best to address your questions. Hope you will enjoy this course.
    This course is designed to educate all students who are planning to start their journey in cell culture study. The content of the course will guide beginners on basic aseptic technique that is required in cell culture laboratory practice, the materials, consumables and instruments that are required for cell culture works and the basic steps in growing the cells for experimental use. The course will guide new student on how to start a cell culture experiment, media preparation, cell maintenance, cryopreservation, and common techniques that are being used in cell culture studies. In this course, common mistakes made by students and issues related to failure of experiments such as contamination will be highlighted and the steps to minimise the contamination will be addressed adequately. By joining the course, students will have a general overview on the correct steps in cell culture and should be confident in conducting their cell culture experiment independently.
    This course is designed for preclinical medical students, to enhance the students' applied ability using virtual teaching tools and to improve their learning experience in the practical laboratory. It provides all materials for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine practical under one official platform with self-assessment activities to assess the understanding of the online content. This is the first Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine MOOC practical that has been created under the Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program. It is constructed according to MBBS current curriculum to provide effective learning experiences by including various activities such as quizzes, problem sets, and various engagements via peer and self-assessment, as well as online forums for discussion purposes.
    In this module we will take you through basic medical microbiology. you will be introduced to Bacteriology, Virology, Basic Mycology, cultivation and detection of micro-organisms and infectious diseases. Course Information By the end of the course you should be able to... Differentiate microorganisms Describe the different types of culture media that support the growth of bacteria. Identify various serological and molecular techniques used in microbiology Apply the techniques in the identification of disease
    Basic Laboratory Techniques in Fungal Infection
    MOOC MIC 906 : Basic Laboratory Techniques in Fungal Identification Course Description The entire course comprises 5 topics/modules including introduction, direct microscopy examination, culture of fungi, serological test in fungal infections & conclusion. Lectures are delivered by qualified lecturers, embedded with related videos & providing a self assessment package. There are FOUR (4) lecturers and ONE (1) science officer involve in this MIC 906 course. You may refer to them for any queries or clarification. Main objective: to promote understanding of basic laboratory techniques in diagnosis of fungal infection. Learning Outcomes: Introduces the fields of medical mycology, focusing on medically important fungi. It covers the principle and indication of laboratory techniques used in diagnosis of fungal infection. It involves performing basic laboratory techniques used in the processing of specimens, cultivation and identification of fungi. It emphasises on identification of fungi with relevant clinical findings It promotes student centred- learning by having a self-assessment package. An e-certificate will be awarded upon completion of all modules from introduction to conclusion. Have fun learning!!!
    Parasitology is the study of parasites and their relationship to their hosts. While Entomology is the study of insects and their relationship to humans. Let us not forget that Malaysia lies in a tropical zone, and thus we are often invaded by various vectorborne diseases such as houseflies and mosquitoes. Vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria are still occurring at many places in Malaysia, leading to a high incidence of morbidity and mortality. The study of parasitology and entomology is linked to various clinical diseases and infections. WHO has reported various tropical diseases and most of them are caused by parasites such as malaria, leprosy, Chagas disease, human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), leishmaniasis and many more! By taking this course, students will have a better understanding of the biology of the vectors like mosquitoes, flies and others as well as their relationship with the transmitted parasites or pathogens
    MOOC MIC910: This course comprises of 3 topics including (1)general concepts on specimen collection and handling, (2) types of common specimen transport and preservation and (3) specimen requisition and rejection. Each topic is delivered by qualified lecturers, embedded with related videos and a self-assessment. The main objective of this MOOC is to provide a platform for students and clinicians to learn about the proper process of sending samples to the lab which include samples request, proper techniques of collection, transport and preservation of specimens to the laboratory and samples rejection. This course is relevant in daily clinical practice for nurses and clinicians the guide on how to reduce the preanalytical error. This is crucial to obtain a reliable result in managing patients. It is also essential for medical students as an exposure and to gain exposure and knowledge on specimens collection and transportation to the laboratory.
    MOOC 1
    This course is oriented to train students from different backgrounds (engineering students, high school students with major in technology or professionals in engineering and design)in the use of the main tools to be able to understand and draw technical drawings used in mechanical engineering. These drawings can represent either an assembly or a part. Special attention will be given to ISO standards which must be used in these technical drawings. kak mas try tambah tgk update tak
    Video production is the process of producing video content. It is the equivalent of filmmaking, but with images recorded digitally instead of on film stock. There are three stages of video production: Pre-production, production, and post-production. Pre-production involves all of the planning aspects of the video production process before filming begins. This includes scriptwriting, scheduling, logistics, and other administrative duties. Production is the phase of video production which captures the video content (moving images / Videography) and involves filming the subject (s) of the video. Post-production is the action of selectively combining those video clips through video editing into a finished product that tells a story or communicates a message in either a live event setting (live production) , or after an event has occurred (post-production)
    One-Minute Ophthalmology (previously known as 'Opththalmology for Undergraduates') is designed to promote online learning in ophthalmology. This basic ophthalmology course is targeted to beginners studying ophthalmology particularly medical and optometry students. Basic eye conditions are presented in short videography or infographic of one-minute duration with the hope that students can grasp the key points of the topic in a short time. All the materials are presented in a fun and interactive way. We hope this One-minute Ophthalmology provides a fun platform in ophthalmology online learning. Happy Learning! - One-Minute Ophthalmology team.
    Visual Assessment For Healthcare Professionals
    Vision problem is one of the common ocular complaints seen in primary healthcare setting. As front liners, doctors and nurses should have adequate knowledge on common ocular diseases and should be able to perform vision test correctly. It is important to learn the correct technique to avoid faulty VA result that eventually mislead diagnosis. Basic vision assessment that will be covered in this course including Snellen visual acuity test and Ishihara Test. There will be also an introduction to other types of vision test. For a more detail topics on common ocular diseases, kindly visit our One-Minute Ophthalmology Course (code: OPH 091) at Don't forget to introduce yourself in the 'ice-breaking' section. We are delighted to know you. Please do not hesitate to ask any question in the Q&A section, or we can just chat in the forum if you are having difficulty with the course materials.
    A picture is worth a thousand words. The eye is symbolic of that picture as it enables us to investigate the condition of our body. The eye is among the smallest organ which easily affected. Therefore, various systemic diseases can be diagnosed early through examination of the eye. Fundus photography is used to document those clinical signs of diagnoses. Correct techniques in operating the machine and knowledge of fundus abnormalities are of paramount importance for meaningful interpretations. This MOOC consists of four modules; the first two modules will guide you to perform a direct funduscopy and capture good quality fundus images and the other two modules will help you to interpret the fundus images. Have fun learning from our interactive slides, videos and case discussion! Last but not least, don't forget to challenge yourself with our online quizzes. These help to test your understanding of the subject matter.
    Genetics & You : An Introduction
    MOOC Genetics and You: AN INTRODUCTION consists of 4 topics which are,Topic (1) Cell and Chromosomes, Topic (2) DNA and RNA, and Topic(3) and (4) are about Genetic Testing. You will learn about basic cell biology, the structure and function of the cell as the basic unit of life followed by the unraveling of DNA and RNA in our genome. You will be able to relate the prior knowledge obtained at the earlier part of this course to the next topic, the basic of genetic testing. Assessments are given at the end of every topic and we would be delighted to assist you at every step of your journey with us.
    Leukaemia & Myeloma
    This course provides an overview of the common types of leukaemia including plasma cell myeloma. Here, students will be introduced to the pathogenesis and classification used in the recently revised 2016 WHO Classification of Tumours of Haemopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues as well as the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The subtopics on laboratory investigations will explore the latest diagnostic tools for these diseases. More information on aetiology, clinical presentation, prognostic factors and treatment will also be explained in this course. This course is designed for students with a medical or science background or anyone with an interest in haematology-oncology. This course uses many medical terms which might be difficult for someone without basic medical knowledge. Although there is no time limit to complete the course, it should ideally be completed within 10 weeks.
    Principles of Anatomic Pathology Laboratory Practice
    This course outlines the basic principles of anatomic laboratory practice. The topics are divided into the individual major services provided by the laboratory, as well as the quality and safety aspects to be adhered to in the laboratory. The course will benefit current and future lab workers, researchers and also lab service users such as medical personnel.
    Genetics & You: Genetic Abnormalities in Acute Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.
    Welcome to MOOC Series Genetics &You: Genetic Abnormalities in Acute Leukemia and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms! In this course you will learn about acute leukemia;(1) Acute Myeloid Leukemia and (2) Acute Lymphoid Leukemia, and also Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) ;(1) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, (2) Polycythaemia Rubra Vera, (3) Essential Thrombocytopenia and (4) Primary Myelofibrosis and their associated genetic abnormalities. By the end of this course you would be able to discuss the diseases and explain the common genetic abnormalities in both acute leukaemia and MPN. This module would take about 8-10 weeks.
    Genetics and You: Trisomy Disorders in Paediatrics
    This course is designed to help students to develop the understanding of the key concepts and pathogenesis of trisomy, clinical manifestations and the management of the three most common trisomy cases among the paediatric patients. These will be delivered in 4 core topics which are: (1) Introduction and Key concepts (2) Down syndrome (3) Edwards syndrome (4) Patau syndrome. Approximately 1 to 2 weeks should be spent for each core topic, thus the course would take in total about 4 to 8 weeks. It is self-paced so that you can manage your own learning time. By the end of this course you would be able to discuss the pathogenesis of trisomy, explain the common trisomy syndromes with their respective genetic abnormalities, clinical features and management. It is good to have basic knowledge in human genetics, biology and computational skills prior to embarking the course. We greatly appreciate that all learners can give their full commitment during the course, even though it is online. We welcome interactions of learners by encouraging and congratulating each others' achievements through out the course.
    Diabetes Mellitus
    This course is designed to provide students with the basic concepts, principle and other clinical knowledge pertaining to diabetes mellitus. This course is for everyone interested in understanding diabetes mellitus, especially undergraduate medical students. It will also be beneficial to nursing students, nurses, and medical assistants. Upon completing the modules in this course, you will be able to integrate knowledge related to diabetes and apply them accordingly.
    Hi everyone!! It is such a great pleasure to welcome you to this MOOC Series Genetics & You: Dystrophinopathies (Code PAT914)! In this course, you will learn about Duchene muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy. There are fun activities and assessments at the end of every topic to help you understand the subject better. This module would take about 6-8 weeks. By the end of this course, you would be able to discuss the diseases and explain the common genetic abnormalities that caused the disorder and the holistic approaches to managing these genetic disorders. Target learners are from medical students, nursing students, allied science students.
    Genetics & You: Turner Syndrome and Klinefelter Syndrome
    Hello, welcome to our MOOC, Genetics & You: Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome. This course is designed to help students to develop the understanding of the key concepts and pathogenesis of aneuploidy, clinical manifestations and the management of the Turner and Klinefelter syndrome. These are among the chromosomal numerical disorders that are able to survive well into adulthood. These will be delivered in 4 topics which are: (1) Aneuploidy : Introduction and Key concepts (2) Turner syndrome: Pathogenesis, Types, Clinical Features and Management (3) Klinefelter syndrome: Pathogenesis, Types, Clinical Features and Management (4) Key-points. Approximately 1 to 2 weeks should be spent for each core topic, thus the course would take in total about 4 to 8 weeks. It is self-paced so that you can manage your own learning time. By the end of this course you would be able to discuss the pathogenesis of aneuploidy, explain on Turner and Klinefelter syndromes in regards to their respective pathogenesis of genetic abnormalities, clinical features and management. It is good to have basic knowledge in human genetics, biology and computational skills prior to embarking the course. We greatly appreciate that all learners can give their full commitment during the course, even though it is online. We welcome interactions of learners by encouraging and congratulating each others' achievements through out the course.
    Genetics & You: Carcinogenesis
    This course is designed to help students to develop the understanding of the key concepts of carcinogenesis, carcinogenic agents and clinical effects of neoplasia. These will be delivered in 3 topics which are: (1) Carcinogenesis : Introduction and Key concepts (2) Carcinogenic Agents (3) Clinical Effects of Neoplasia. The topics will be presented in lectures, followed by fun activities for the students to enhance their understanding. Each topic will be supplemented with quizzes and lastly, there is a final assessment to strengthen the students’ understanding of all topics. It is self-paced so that students can manage their own learning time.
    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a clinical condition resulting in blood clots in the vein. This results in significant morbidity and mortality if left untreated. Previously regarded as a disease of the western world, more studies in Asia seems to refute this. There are various causes or risks related to VTE. About 100 per 100000 population per year are affected by VTE in which 70% are hospital-acquired. Hence knowledge and identification of VTE and its risk are important for the treatment as well as its prevention.
    Genetics & You: Genes and Genetic Lesions in Cancer
    Course description Welcome to MOOC Series Genetics &You: Genes and Genetic Lesions in Cancer. In this course, you will learn about cancer and the genetic changes that can lead to cancer. The topics that we will discuss here in this MOOC include (1) Major functional classes of cancer genes, (2) Genetic lesions in cancers and (3) The genetics of common cancers in Malaysia. We will discuss the topics with you through video presentations. There are fun activities for the students to help them understand the topics better. At the end of every topic, students are required to sit for an assessment. This course will take only 2-3 hours per week and will be completed within 8-10 weeks duration.
    This course is about the symptomatic approach for common acute adult cases in the primary care setting for undergraduate students. In this course, we will cover four common symptoms or presenting complaints usually encountered in the primary care clinic which are chest pain, cough, headache and abdominal pain.
    Practical Clinical Management in Primary Care
    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this course focuses on practical skills and knowledge involved in triaging suspected COVID-19 patients, performing the nasopharyngeal swabbing as well as safe handling of the swabs to the processing lab.
    Welcome to a MOOC on approach to lumps and bumps in primary clinical settings for medical students ! In this module , you will learn about the most common cause of skin and subcutaneous lesions seen in primary care setting. This module provides foundational theoretical knowledge including basic anatomy of the skin ; practical knowledge on history taking and skills to examine skin and subcutaneous lesions in patients. You will learn the option of treatment available at primary clinical setting in the modules provided. Word puzzles and activities are there for you to browse through and at the end of each modules there are quizzes for you to answer. Hope you will have a beneficial and enjoyable learning experience!
    This course is dedicated to everyone with interest in improving their knowledge in paediatrics especially among the undergraduate medical students. LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion of the course the participants will be able to: 1. Have a good understanding on important topics in paediatrics. 2. Test their knowledge by correctly answering the quizzes included at the end of each chapters. COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to generate understanding on important topics in paediatrics. This course covers the important topics in paediatrics. The topics covered are illustrated in the course synopsis below.
    Paediatric Clinical Examination by UiTM Paediatric Team
    This course is dedicated to undergraduate medical students especially those in paediatric clinical rotation. The aim of this course is to teach basic paediatric clinical examination for major systems. LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion of the course the participants will be able to: 1. Have a good understanding of basic clinical examination for paediatric patients. 2. Have a good idea on how to perform clinical examination in clinical settings. COURSE OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to generate an understanding of the importance of proper techniques for clinical examination in paediatric patients. This course covers the basic clinical examination of major systems in paediatrics. The topics covered are illustrated in the course synopsis below.
    Immunisation in Children
    This course will bring you through a journey of discovering the history of immunisation, introduce you to the science of vaccination and understand the impact of immunisations in children's health.
    This course is designed to enhance the understanding of antimalarial drugs among undergraduate students or postgraduate students/researchers specialized in malaria research. There are 5 main learning activities in this course. Each learning activities consist of notes, slide presentations, videos and quizzes. By the end of the course, you should be able to; 1)Understand the importance of malaria life cycle in pharmacological perspective, 2) Classify antimalarial drugs, 3) Describe the pharmacological properties of antimalarial drugs, 4) Rationalize the use of antimalarial drugs in uncomplicated and severe malaria, as well as in multidrug resistant malaria and malaria affecting special group of patient.
    OSH! OSH! I Know
    We safeguard our safety, we safeguard our health at the workplace! Knowledge in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is essential for every worker in any workplace in order to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994) and Factory and Machinery Act (FMA 1967). This can help ensure that the employees' well-being, ensure productive workers, and create good safety and health culture. This OSH knowledge and culture change will reduce the number of occupational injuries and accidents at work, occupational diseases and poisoning, disease transmissions, and other aspects of safety and health at work. Topics covered in this free online course includes general OSH regulations and laws, prevention of occupational accidents and assessment, occupational diseases, workstation ergonomics, epidemiology and prevention of disease transmission, Emergency Response Plan, Maintaining Drug-free Workplace, Occupational wellness of workers, prevention of smoking at the workplace and mental health issues at work. Kami menjaga keselamatan dan kesihatan anda di tempat kerja! Pengetahuan mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSH) sangat penting bagi setiap pekerja di mana-mana tempat kerja. Perkara adalahmematuhi Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 (OSHA 1994) dan Akta Kilang dan Jentera (FMA 1967). Ini dapat membantu memastikan kesejahteraan pekerja, memastikan pekerja produktif, dan mewujudkan budaya kerja yang baik. Perubahan pengetahuan dan budaya OSH ini akan mengurangkan jumlah kecederaan dan kemalangan di tempat kerja, penyakit dan keracunan pekerjaan, penularan penyakit berjangkit, dan aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan lain di tempat kerja. Topik yang dibahas dalam kursus dalam talian percuma ini merangkumi peraturan dan undang-undang OSH umum, pencegahan kemalangan dan penilaian pekerjaan, penyakit pekerjaan, aspek ergonomik di tempat kerja , epidemiologi dan pencegahan penularan penyakit, Pelan Tindakan Kecemasan dan prevensi bebas rokok.
    Al-kisah Tembakau: Kami Nak Bebas!
    Kursus ringkas ini sesuai bagi warga UiTM dań luar yang berminat mengetahui secara mendalam mengenai bahaya penggunaan tembakau dan kaedah kawalannya. Ia juga sesuai bagi perokok aktif, pasif dan perokok ketiga. Di sini, turut digariskan kaedah-kaedah berhenti merokok bagi perokok aktif, dan kaedah menasihati perokok bagi mereka yang mempunyai rakan-rakan atau saudara mara yang merokok di tempêta kerja atau di rumah.
    Ethics in Health Research
    Welcome to this MOOC on "Ethics in Healthcare Research"! . We are very happy that you have chosen to enrol in this course. Research ethics is an extremely important element that will accompany a researcher for the whole duration of their research career. It provides a moral compass for researchers, and you will not go far wrong if you, as a researcher, follow the code of ethical conduct when conducting your research activities- right from the time you begin to write your research proposal, until the findings have been finally published. In this course, you will go through 5 subtopics, each with specific learning objectives. Guided by content curated by experienced researchers and ethicists, this course aims to provide information, foster understanding and encourage reflection by everyone involved (or planning to get involved) in healthcare research.
    Medical and Health Research Methodology
    This course will facilitate students with appropriate knowledge on health and medical research methods in managing, analysing, and decision-making. Students trained will be able to critically analyse, develop and transform research question into research objectives, and construct a quality medical and health related research proposal.
    Autonomic Nervous System
    PHY903: Autonomic Nervous System course is designed to promote online learning in physiology. Physiology is one of the core basic medical science subjects for medical, dental, nursing, sport science and health science undergraduate students. Autonomic Nervous System is a control system in our body. It means that by going through our course; you get to know your body. Whether you are enrolled in a program designed to learn physiology or not, it is interesting to explore what is the autonomic nervous system. This course will be presented innovatively in the form of short teaching videography, images, interactive videos and collaborative online learning tools with fun activities. We aim to make you feel good and fun in understanding the autonomic nervous system. Remember, physiology is easy if you understand the concept. So have fun by getting to know your body!
    Welcome to the course. The course will bring you through embryo revolution; sharing insights and bridging knowledge of embryo morphological growth, governed essentially by the roles of many physiological events and biochemical factors. The course will walk you towards a comprehensive understanding on how embryo development is critical in ensuring successful pregnancy, and scientific perspectives on the current technologies in embryo manipulations.
    Make it easy: Special senses
    This MOOC will explore the special senses of human in the view of Human Physiology
    By the end of the course, you should be able to define forensic entomology, understand the scope and application of forensic entomology, recognize some common forensically important insects and arthropods, and know the proper collection methods at a forensic scene. Additionally, you should be able to understand and calculate Time of Insect Colonization (TOC). This course has 5 chapters: (1) Introduction to Forensic Entomology (2) Application of Forensic Entomology (3) Identification of Forensically Important Arthropods (4) Collection of Entomological Evidence (5) Estimation of Time of Insect Colonization. This course is designed for high school or undergraduate students as well as curious public worldwide.
    This course provides basic information on how mites can be useful in forensic investigations.
    Emergency Psychiatry
    The Emergency Psychiatry MOOC was developed by a team of 6 psychiatrists from the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The main objective of this MOOC is to give foundational knowledge on the common psychiatric emergencies encountered in daily clinical practice. This MOOC serves as a supplement and alternative learning platform for undergraduate medical students and trainee psychiatrists who are undergoing their specialty training.
    Welcome to Information Literacy for UiTM: Learn it Your Way! UiTM library offers this online course especially for the university members including students, academician, and administration staffs. This program aims to expose users where they can enhance their literacy skills in utilizing library resources, collections, services, and facilities.
    Welcome to Tun Abdul Razak Library. This tour will guide you through the most important resources and services the Library has to offer, you can explore and get an impression of the possibilities of the library. Let's Get Started!
    Medical ultrasound is a diagnostic technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is used to view internal body organs or structures. Compared to other prominent methods of medical imaging, ultrasound has several advantages. It provides images in real-time, it is portable and can be brought to the bedside, it is relatively lower in cost and it does not use harmful ionising radiation.
    Introductory Thyroid Ultrasound & Intervention
    Ultrasound (US) is the modality of choice for initial characterization of thyroid conditions. This introductory course is designed to introduce participants to the normal sonographic anatomy of the thyroid gland, ultrasound features of thyroid conditions and learn to identify suspicious & non-suspicious US features of thyroid nodules. Participants will learn how to apply risk stratification algorithms using Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (TIRADS) to identify nodules indicated for biopsy. Participants will also gain understanding on proper techniques for US guided fine needle aspiration cytology / biopsy of a thyroid nodule.
    This introductory course is designed to familiarize the participants with the basics of breast ultrasounds and the ultrasound features of common breast diseases. Participant will also learn to risk stratify and manage breast lesions according to American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting And Data System (BIRADS). Basics of ultrasound guided breast biopsy and hookwire localization procedures will also be taught.
    This course is designed by us, Dr Shamsiah Abdul Hamid, Dr Marlina Tanty Ramli and Dr Alan Basil Peter to introduce participants to the basics of mammogram, indications, positioning, normal mammographic anatomy of the breast, the basics of how to read and recognize findings in a mammogram. Participants will also learn how to conclude the mammographic findings using the Breast Imaging Reporting And Data System (BIRADS). Any questions about the course material, you may email to : Dr Shamsiah : [email protected] . Dr Marlina : [email protected] . Dr Alan : [email protected]
    Imaging of the Intracranial infection
    This course is for undergraduate and postgraduate students to have a better view and understanding of the clinical presentations of CNS infections together with its imaging features. This module provides foundational theoretical knowledge including basic anatomy of the brain and pathophysiology of infections. You will learn how to extract important information from the history of disease; the indications for imaging and identifying abnormalities from imaging in the modules provided. Word puzzles and activities are there for you to browse through and at the end of each module. There are quizzes for you to answer. Hope you will have a beneficial and enjoyable learning experience!.
    Rehabilitation medicine for beginners
    This module is developed for students to understand the rehabilitation medicine and its roles in the medical fraternity.
    Financial Accounting and Reporting
    This course introduces students on the accounting for property, plant and equipment according to MFRS116. Measurement and recognition of property, plant and equipment will be discussed with examples and video presentation.
    Cost and Management Accounting
    This course focus on introductory and intermediate level of cost accounting and management accounting at operational level. It introduces to learners the basic concepts, terminologies, principles and methods of cost and management accounting starting from the introduction to cost elements to the basic costing methods in arriving at the cost of products produce using job, batch and process costing. Further, this course discusses how changes in costs (both variable and fixed) and sales volume affect a company's profit in Marginal and Absorption Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis. To assist learners to make a simple investment decision, a Capital Budgeting topic is discussed.
    Family and Individual Financial Management
    Kursus ini membincangkan berkenaan 6 sub topic iaitu hibah, wasiat, takadul, Amanah raya, simpanan patuh syariah dan pelaburan patuh syariah. Kursus ini juga menerangkan secara terperinci jenis, proses dan isu-isu semasa berkenaan setiap sub topic tersebut.
    Financial Management and E - Entreprenuership
    Kursus ini membincangkan berkenaan 7 sub topik yang memberikan maklumat kepada usahawan berkaitan pengurusan kewangan, cabaran keusahawanan, serta e-keusahawanan. Selain itu, bakat keusahawanan dalam perspektif seni dan langkah-langkah untuk menjadi usahawan muslim yang berjaya juga turut dibincangkan. Kursus ini juga menerangkan secara terperinci sistem sokongan usahawan untuk membantu usahawan mendapatkan informasi berkaitan bantuan kewangan dan sebagainya.
    Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis - A Primer
    This course allows students to familiarize themselves with STATA as an alternative software to perform quantitative analysis. In this course, students will explore the STATA interface and attempt the frequently used commands in STATA. Students will also learn to import dataset into STATA, to obtain summary statistics of the data, to run Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and to interpret its key results, and to perform basic diagnostics tests for the OLS estimation. Several diagnostics tests are discussed such as tests for heteroskedasticity, serial correlation, multicollinearity, model misspecification, and normality of the residuals. Via a specially designed series of activities, audience will get a chance of building their own Do file, an important feature of STATA. This course is suitable for final year undergraduate students especially when completing their research for final year project. Similarly, this course can be a refresher for postgraduate students using quantitative analysis methods before embarking their postgraduate research study.
    How not to lose sanity in your life
    The course seeks to impart a holistic approach to stress management, incorporating the contributing factors, detection of stress and overcoming it towards a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
    Multilateral Physical Development
    The training foundation for success in all sports is provided by multilateral development, or general fitness as it is often known. This kind of development aims to enhance the fundamental biomotor skills, including stamina, strength, speed, flexibility, and coordination. Sports-specific training activities will be easier for athletes to handle if their foundation is robust, which will ultimately increase their potential for athletic growth.
    Welcome to a MOOC on breast cancer for medical students ! In this module , you will learn about the most common cause of cancer in women in Malaysia and worldwide. This module provides foundational theoretical knowledge including basic anatomy of the breast ; practical knowledge on history taking and skills to examine breast cancer patients. You will learn how screening for breast cancer is done, how to diagnosed and option of treatment for breast cancer in the modules provided. Word puzzles and activities are there for you to browse through and at the end of each modules there are quizzes for you to answer. Hope you will have a beneficial and enjoyable learning experience!
    By the end of the course you should be able to : -Explained the relevant anatomy and type of the inguinal hernia -Describe the typical presentation and clinical findings of inguinal hernia -Explained the basic management of the inguinal hernia
    Gall stone diseases
    This course is directed towards medical students to expose them to a very common surgical condition which is gall stone diseases. in this course the students will be familiar with epidemiology ,anatomy and pathology of this condition also what are the signs and symptoms related to the presence of stone in different parts of the biliary system and what are the proper investigations weather it is blood or imaging investigations. and what are the treatment weather it is medical or surgical. including the complications related to the disease it self. this is to make the medical student to be aware of this common condition to treat the patient properly and safely.
    Thyroid cancer for medical students
    Welcome to a MOOC on thyroid cancer for medical students ! In this module , you will learn about thyroid cancer in Malaysia and worldwide. This module provides foundational theoretical knowledge including basic anatomy of the thyroid ; practical knowledge on history taking and skills to examine thyroid cancer patients. You will learn how to investigate and to treat thyroid cancer, in the modules provided. Word puzzles and activities are there for you to browse through and at the end of each modules there are quizzes for you to answer. Hope you will have a beneficial and enjoyable learning experience!
    Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding for Medical Students
    Welcome to a MOOC on lower gastrointestinal bleed ! In this module , you will learn about causes of lower gastrointestinal bleed. This module provides foundational theoretical knowledge including basic anatomy of the lower gastrointestinal system ; practical knowledge on history taking and skills to examine patients. You will learn how to investigate and to treat lower gastrointestinal bleed, in the modules provided. Word puzzles and activities are there for you to browse through and at the end of each modules there are quizzes for you to answer. Hope you will have a beneficial and enjoyable learning experience!
    By the end of the course, student should be able to: a. explain the anatomy of penis and its variation. b. describe different methods of delivering anaesthesia for circumcision c. describe various types of circumcision methods. c. explain the complication following circumcision and post operative care.
    Learning The Features Of Animation And Creating Videos Using Ms Power Point 365 For The Purpose Of Making Presentation And Preparation Of Notes In An Interactive Ways Specifically For Students And Academicians.